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Showing posts from February, 2018

St. Patrick's Day Treats

 I just created a new  Rainbow Seeds tag !  Perfect for attaching to treat bags filled with skittles!!

Birthday Traditions

Thank you for reading my first post!  I have 3 little ones, and we love to celebrate birthdays in simple ways.  My older 2 kiddos have birthdays 1 day apart, 4 days before Christmas.  πŸ˜³It is a super stressful time of year, but also soooooo much fun!  When they were younger I would worry that everyone would be too busy to celebrate their special days.  Now I do not have time to worry if people will show up.  Their true family and friends will always make time to celebrate with them.πŸ’– One of our traditions we have, is to go out super early and pick up donuts.   It's super simple, and so fun to look forward to.  Another fun memory I hope all of my kids remember is that their siblings always go out shopping or give something handmade for each other.  Oooh, and the wrapping.  All of my kids LOVE to wrap presents.  :-).  I'm always looking for simple traditions for birthdays, let me know yours.